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Latest press releases

Press release - English

31 - JUL - 2023

Phone edit 01

From work-related pitches to wedding speeches, this Dutch AI startup helps people all over the globe become better public speakers.

Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Over 7 out of 10 people experience some form of speech anxiety when having to present in front of a group. At the same time, ...

Press release - Dutch

31 - JUL - 2023

Phone walking 04

Van een pitch aan collega’s tot speech op een bruiloft, deze AI Startup helpt mensen wereldwijd hun presentaties te verbeteren.

Rotterdam - Ruim 7 op de 10 mensen ervaart een vorm van spreekangst wanneer ze voor een groep moeten staan. Tegelijkertijd is spreken in het openbaar...


Fact sheet 

Discover more about Verble with our factsheet. It's packed with key information, from our launch date to user demographics, and includes answers to frequently asked questions. Perfect for gaining a quick yet detailed understanding of Verble.

Loved in 100+ Countries

"The launch has not gone unnoticed, we have been declared AI tool of the week by several of the world's largest AI newsletters, and we are already being used in 116 countries," says Victor Straatman, Co-founder Verble.app

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Scherm­afbeelding 2023 07 28 om 14.42.42

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"With Verble, it feels like you have your own personal speechwriter in your pocket. It makes it really easy to prepare talks quickly!"

Gabrielle Davelaar  |  Senior AI Specialist Global @ Microsoft

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Your A.I. assistant that helps you master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling.

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