A man standing next to a crowd giving a beautiful speech crafted with Verble Ai speech writer
What is a Verble?

Using our app you will be able to generate the perfect speech or pitch for your next event. Here you can find an example of a Verble made by our team. Open the app here and create your own, it's for free!


Are you part of the 70% that face anxiety when speaking in public? Or do you like giving pitches and presentations, but struggle to get your message across? How great would it be to have a top-notch speechwriter in your pocket who could help you prepare whenever you need it? That's where Verble comes in. Verble helps you deliver Steve Jobs like pitches in no time.

So why did we build Verble?

Devin, one of our co-founders, is a professional public speaking coach and has helped over 10,000 individuals become better presenters. In-person training can however be expensive and time-consuming. That's why we've digitized Devin's expertise and combined it with the collective knowledge of hundreds of public speaking coaches. So whether you have to pitch your company to investors, persuade your colleagues or want to give an authentic and captivating wedding speech, we know exactly what you need to do to tell a story that sticks.

How does it work?

Firstly, with Verble, you'll have a friendly chat with our platform. It's like speaking with a coach, answering questions about your speech and audience. This process helps us understand what you want to say and to whom you want to say it. It's a crucial first step to tailor a speech that's just right for you. After your chat with Verble, you can forget about the intimidating blank page. Right when the conversation ends, Verble gets to work creating a draft for your speech. It's like having an experienced speechwriter give you the first version of your presentation, offering a solid base for you to start from. Lastly, it's time to refine with Verble's smart editing mode. With a few clicks, you can incorporate proven techniques used by accomplished speakers such as Emma Watson or Michelle Obama. And if the changes don't suit your personal speaking style? No issue - simply provide your feedback, and Verble will adjust your speech accordingly until it resonates.

So who is Verble for?

You might be wondering if Verble is something for you. It is. Verble is for everyone who wants to communicate effectively. Whether you're a marketer looking to pitch a game-changing campaign idea to your team at the next meeting, a scientist needing to distil complex findings into a digestible presentation for a non-expert audience, or have to give a toast during a dinner party.

What's next?

If you're ready to start communicating more effectively, we have something special for you. Because until the end of August, you can get access to all the Verble PRO features for free by simply creating an account on our platform. So say goodbye to frustrating speech preparation and start crafting compelling stories today!

Smiling woman in an audience liking the thoughtful speech crafted by Verble

The perfect speech for your next event.

If you want to start writing a similar speech for your next event try Verble now and benefit from our temporary offer: We've unlocked all PRO features (normally $19 p/m) for free for now. All you have to do is create an account!

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Your A.I. assistant that helps you master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling.

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