Devin van den Berg founder standing in the middle of an aula

Devin van den Berg, Founder and public speaking coach

The art of public speaking

As a professional public speaking coach I have helped over 10.000 people to present confidently and persuasively. One thing I learned over the years is that every great presentation starts with a crystal clear message. Because being a great presenter is not about tricking people into liking your message. 

It’s about knowing what it is you want to say and feeling comfortable enough to present it authentically. After that you can add techniques to make your talk even more impactful. That's the principle behind Verble: a tool that supports you from start to finish, helping you present confidently and persuasively.

The Verble team

The Verble team combines expertise in debate, entrepreneurship, engineering, and design, utilizing advanced technology to democratize and revolutionize the world of public speaking.


Devin van den Berg

Devin is three-time Dutch National Debate Champion and a former World Debate Championship semi-finalist. He spent the last 10 years training professionals and politicians to tell persuasive stories. With Verble Devin strives to make public speaking accessible to all.


Victor Straatman

Victor, founder of, and Entrepreneur in Residence at 4Impact, has both been at the giving and receiving end of presentations for years. His desire for a tool that could help him prepare presentations was one of the drivers for starting Verble.


Thibault Gloaguen

Introducing Thibault, a French engineer residing in Amsterdam. Born in Paris and raised in Martinique, he embodies diversity and a vibrant spirit. Fluent in French, English, and Javascript. Outside of work, he enjoys playing golf.


Ronald Hagenstein

Ronald is a seasoned designer with over 15 years of experience and a passion for creating captivating designs. In addition to his design expertise, Ronald has also founded and, two ventures that showcase his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to innovation.


Create your own Verble now, for free!

If you want to start writing a solid speech for your next event try Verble now and benefit from our temporary offer: We've unlocked all PRO features (normally $19 p/m) for free for now. All you have to do is create an account!

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Your A.I. assistant that helps you master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling.

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